One Reason It Might Matter to You that God Is Infinite

God is infinite. Although this is an attribute of His that we may not view as having everyday relevance, God’s infinite nature delivers a very real “where the rubber meets the road” kind of hope. If you’ve ever felt you sinned too much, doubted too often, or “driven God crazy” with your shenanigans; you need to process carefully His infinitude.

To be infinite means to be without limits. We are finite. We are limited in many ways – by time, space, energy, brain power, etc. God has no limits or boundaries.

When it comes to His dimensions, they cannot be measured, for He is omnipresent (present everywhere) [Psalm 139:7-10, Jeremiah 23:24]. In terms of knowledge, His is beyond what we can comprehend, for He is omniscient (all-knowing) [Psalm 147:5, Romans 11:33-34]. When it comes to creative power and sustaining strength, He has an endless supply, for He is omnipotent (all-powerful) [Isaiah 40:28, Jeremiah 23:27]. As to time, God never races the clock, for He is eternal and timeless (Psalm 90:1-2, Isaiah 46:8-10).

While all these attributes are vital to realize, let’s focus on the characteristics God shares with us (in the sense that He created us with the ability to express them – even though in a finite manner). Some of the attributes we share with God to a finite degree are love, mercy, justice, truthfulness, patience, etc. When we think of these characteristics, we understand that God possesses them to a boundless degree, while we express them in very limited ways. Since God is infinite, His love is perfect – or absolute. My love is imperfect and skewed.

We rest in the perfect justice of God when compared to the faulty justice of humans. We may make sincere attempts to serve proper justice in our lives and society, but our knowledge is partial and our motivations are tainted. When God serves justice, we are sure it is exactly what is deserved and fitting. (This is one reason we anxiously await the final judgment of God, where everything will be brought to light) [I Corinthians 4:5].

I would like to emphasize now the patience of God. Have you ever barked at someone, “I’ve reached my limit with you!”? Or “I’ve had it up to here” (with our hand at the top of our head)”? Why do we feel and say these things? Precisely because we DO have limits! We are humans – created beings. We are not infinite. Therefore, we reach a point where we become exasperated or even hateful.

Do you realize that God NEVER reaches His limit in terms of patience? He will never scream, “I’ve reached my limit with you!” When a sincere heart comes to him looking for mercy, God’s perfect patience says, “You can come again.” In fact, Psalm 71:3 (ESV) declares, “Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come” (emphasis added). Yes, continually. People may lose patience with my failures, annoyances, and requests. But God says I may come constantly. Our infinite Lord simply does not grow weary. It’s hard to imagine, but we are limited – even in understanding.

However, remember that while God is unlimited, we are not. He is endlessly patient, but our end will come. Whether by death or His return to earth, a day of final judgment is on the way. Therefore, our decisions matter every moment of every day. Do not take His endless patience for granted, because we have an end.

Go to the Rock of Refuge. Go to Him continually. And sincerely. And thankfully. And now … before your end … not His. (Isaiah 55:6, Hebrews 9:27)